Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 double XP weekend starts today
DLCentral Latest News Update
To get you all geared up for the Vengeance DLC pack, Treyarch has flipped the switch to allow double XP on all Black Ops 2 multiplayer modes this weekend. It starts today on June 28th (10am PST/6pm GMT) and ends July 1st (10am PST/6pm GMT) and you can drink it in on the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii U.
If you’re unfamiliar with this kind of event, let us explain. Every action you perform in Black Ops 2 multiplayer is rewarded with XP (eXperience Points), which gives you access to bigger and badder weapons and perks. If you play during the double XP you’ll grab extra points and level up quicker to open more of that deadly arsenal on offer. Easy.
In theory, Xbox 360 players should be fully boosted for the Vengeance DLC launch, which happens the day after the double XP weekend closes. Here’s what you can expect…